by Lindsay | Nov 2, 2017 | Travel, Yoga, Yoga Practice, Yoga Teacher
Traveling is never without its lessons and over the last 16 months of travel, I have learned some invaluable ones. You may think traveling is as glamorous as the next best Instagram photo, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Something happens when you step...
by Lindsay | Oct 23, 2017 | Budget Travel, Peru, Travel
Almost exactly one year ago I went to Machu Picchu, in October of 2016. It was, by far, one of the most incredible things I have witnessed in my life. Peru was one of those places I always wanted to visit for spiritual and cultural reasons, and any trip to Peru is not...
by Lindsay | Oct 14, 2017 | Travel, Yoga, Yoga Practice, Yoga Teacher
Yoga today, as in 2017, has a big emphasis on asana- the physical practice. And it has always been a focus for me personally, too. However, as a dancer and performer, and perhaps a yogi who has pushed a little too far- I have been forced to slow my practice down and...
by Lindsay | Sep 25, 2017 | Travel, Yoga
Traveling can often feel like a workout itself. The exhaustion of traveling leaves you with a similar buzz as exercising. Vacations and travel adventures are often filled with active excursions – maybe you’re surfing or hiking – but there is often more downtime than...
by Lindsay | Sep 17, 2017 | Travel, Yoga
A Guide for Traveling Yogi’s and Yoga Teachers in Nicaragua I spent 5 months teaching and practicing yoga in Nicaragua in 2016. I landed in San Juan del Sur initially, which is situated along the Southern Pacific coast of Nicaragua. The first place I took a yoga...
by Lindsay | Sep 17, 2017 | Travel, Yoga
Have you ever wondered how you can keep up with your practice while on the road? If the thought of traveling sounds like it’s going to cramp your style because you never know where you’ll be the next day, you’ll have to learn to take your practice with you. This is...
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